What to Expect
Don't expect accounting to be impersonal and dull. Accounting students
are not just bean counters. "It's a very hands-on program," says former
accounting student Kim Drever. "We do a lot of role-playing and problem solving.
It's not at all what you would expect."
Drever says she found the program fairly difficult and intense in the beginning. There's
plenty of homework. "There was a lot of reading to do and it was easy
to get behind," she says.
But the homework got easier in her final year. That left her with time
to prepare for her certification exams.
"It is a very tough major -- one of, if not the toughest," says Bill Beauchesne.
He is a product of the accounting program at Boston College. "You really
have to stay on top of things, whether it's doing homework, going to class
or whatever."
Beauchesne's most difficult moments came early in the program while taking
his first major accounting course. "I was so discouraged by low quiz grades
that I was ready to change majors. After I talked with the professors and
saw that they had faith in me and after I restored the faith in myself, I
found that I could not only pass the courses, but I could do really well in
How to Prepare
Taking an accounting class in high school helped Drever in her first-year
courses. "I did some tutoring, and I was just amazed to find some of the younger
students were confused by things that made more sense to me because I took
that class in high school. That was the best preparation ever. I would strongly
recommend it."